Your Voice in a World where Zionism, Steel, and Fire, have Turned Justice Mute



Letter to President Bush
By F.A.

Dear Mr. Bush,

You are blaming the wrong people for the deaths at the World Trade Centre.
You are the one to be blamed, not anybody else.  If you did not give money to
the Israelis, you would not be having this world tragedy.  This is not an
every day thing, but if you don't stop it, then you will be hearing from me
again and again and again, and I mean it.  I am just a little girl but I know
the difference between right and wrong, so I will keep reminding you. It
would be better for you to listen to some one like me than to listen to all
of those people who are telling you what to do.

Why don't you open your eyes and see that Palestine is right? You are on the
wrong side with the Israelis who are the real terrorists.  If it weren't for
you and them, then that tragedy would have never happened.

And it won't do you any good to kill hundreds and hundreds of Muslims because
that won't change anything, and you are still wrong.

F. A.
8 years old
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.