Your Voice in a World where Zionism, Steel, and Fire, have Turned Justice Mute



هناك من يعتقد أن إقامة العلاقات مع الدولة الصهيونية خال من المخاطر على الدول
العربية التي تقيم مثل هذه العلاقات. هؤلاء مدعوون لقراءة النص التالي الذي نشر 
قبل يومين في صحيفة أمريكية واسعة الانتشار.


"إن دولة تابعة لمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية ستضمن حرباً بلا نهاية فقط ، الأمر
الذي سيجتذب إليه كل الدول الشبيهة العقلية. 

الحل البسيط، عوضاً عن ذلك، يكون بإيجاد فصل واسع عن "إسرائيل" بإعادة توطين 
الفلسطينيين في الأردن، حيث 80% من السكان هم من الفلسطينيين."
من مقالة صدرت يوم 21 فبراير/شباط 2002
U.S.A Today في إحدى أكثر الصحف توزيعاً في الولايات المتحدة 
وكانت جريدة الواشنطن بوست قد نشرت مقالة يوم 6 حزيران/يونيو 2001 
قالت فيها ما يلي:

"السكان الفلسطينيون إلى الدول العربية... إن الترحيل هو الطريق الأفضل إلى 
الاستقرار. هل سيحدث ذلك؟ لا، على الأرجح. هل يجب أن يحدث ذلك؟ نعم"
وهنا لا بد أن نعيد الاخوة القراء الذين يقللون من حجم الخطر الصهيوني 
على الأردن إلى المقال التالي
د.إبراهيم علوش


American Calls for evicting Palestinians

Dear all,

A shocking op-ed by Emanuel Winston at the USA Today that calls for
Palestinian population transfer (See below):

      A PLO state will only guarantee unending war, drawing in all
      like-minded nations. The simple answer, instead, would be to
      create a vast separation from Israel, resettling the
      Palestinians in Jordan, where 80% of the population
      already is Palestinian.

This is not the first time that calls for outright population
transfer were published in respectable US papers.  On June 6, 2001,
The Washington Times published an outrageous piece in which columnist
Cal Thomas said:  "Palestinian residents to Arab nations...   Eviction is a
better avenue to stability. Will it happen? Probably not. Should it? Yes."
[ See ]

Please make your voice heard about gracing immoral and illegal proposals
with respectibility as though they were just another opinion.

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Ahmed Bouzid


02/21/2002 - Updated 10:26 PM ET


No to Palestinian state

By Emanuel A. Winston

The nations think a new state of Palestine would solve all Mideast problems.
Not true. A Palestinian state would be the ultimate poison pill for Israel,
given the Palestinians' unbroken record of war, terrorism and broken peace

Wherever Yasser Arafat has nested, he has stockpiled smuggled-in weapons for
a war to the death of the Jewish state ? the end he has pledged himself to
repeatedly and publicly, both before and after the 1993 Oslo agreement. And
he's doing it again.

Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has dusted off the old formula:
recognition of Israel in exchange for a Palestinian state with East
Jerusalem as its capital and withdrawal to the 1967 armistice lines ? called
by some Israelis the "Auschwitz borders." This is the same Saudi Arabia that
has been funding Osama bin Laden and other anti-American and anti-Israel
terrorists for the past 40 years. Fourteen of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were

Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization, like Syria and Iran, has taught
the children of several generations to hate Israel so much that when they
grow up they will commit ritual suicide for Islam and kill Jews. Arafat has
thus programmed the ongoing genocide of his own young people as well as
those of Israel.

Regrettably, there is no ready solution for deprogramming the Arab culture
that has taught its youth to hate and kill with such ferocity that nothing,
ncluding a state of their own, will change their minds or cure their
murderous behavior.

This clash of civilizations demonstrates radical Islam on the march: first
to eliminate Israel and then to dominate the hated West. Global terrorism is
driven by radical Islamists who find the economic, scientific and cultural
advances of the West unbearable and indigestible. They cannot and will not
take yes for an answer because they must win back the pride they lost and
the shame they suffered from having lost six wars to Israel, with unending
terrorism in between.

A PLO state will only guarantee unending war, drawing in all like-minded
nations. The simple answer, instead, would be to create a vast separation
from Israel, resettling the Palestinians in Jordan, where 80% of the
population already is Palestinian.

Emanuel A. Winston is a Middle East analyst and commentator.


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