Your Voice in a World where Zionism, Steel, and Fire, have Turned Justice Mute



Short Report on Amman Forum on Revisionist Historians on May 13, 2001


Date: Sun, 13 May 2001

The forum in Amman on Revisionist Historians on the eve of May 13, 2001,
in the offices of the Jordanian Writers' Association was a big success.
Elements of the police and the secret service attended but didn't
interfere in the proceedings.  People were overflowing into the street.
Satellite stations had cameras there and videotaped the whole thing.

People were generally very sympathetic to our cause.  There was a
resolution by those present to condemn the fourteen Arab intellectuals
who signed the letter calling on the Lebanese government to cancel the
revisionist conference in Beirut.  There was also another suggestion to
establish an Arab Committee of Historical Revisionism.  There will be
pamphlets published on the matter as well.  In the time alloted to me, I
presented Dr. Faurisson's paper that was supposed to be presented in the
conference in Beirut.  Both Hayat Atiyeh and I emphasized that as
important as Garaudy's contribution was in popularizing revisionism in
the Arab and Muslim Worlds, his contributions stopped there.  We
introduced the audience to Ahmad Rami, for those who wanted an Arab
Muslim figure of revisionism, as well as some of the other major figures
of historical revisionism.

Overall, tonite was a great success, a step in the right direction,
which will hopefully be followed by other similar steps.

Ibrahim Alloush