Your Voice in a World where Zionism, Steel, and Fire, have Turned Justice Mute



September 13, 1997

In this issue of the Free Arab Voice we commemorate the fourth
anniversary of the Oslo Agreement with a Declaration of Principles for
people and activists:

1) The Declaration of Principles (DOP): This document suggests a
   general set of  broad principles as a unifying platform for Arab
   political action in the long-run.

2) Influencing Change:  The Need to Act Politically along Long-Run
   Goals by Tawfic Abdul-Fattah.

3) Culture: Memories of Exile- A poem by Dr. M. Deeb (A Wandering

4) Reader's Corner: Readers criticize the Free Arab Voice for
   supporting LAW's international campaign to protest to Netanyahu,
   and members of the "Israeli" cabinet, in our September 2nd issue,

   on demolishing houses and administrative detention.

1) The Declaration of Principles (DOP):

  The Free Arab Voice is circulating the following Declaration of
Principles (DOP) for the purpose of instigating discussions leading
hopefully to the establishment of a unifying platform for political

 The purpose of such a discussion is to generate a consensus around
LONG-RUN goals, and uniting principles for Arab action, that might
eventually lead to a renaissance in Arab culture, and the building of a
new Arabian collective conscious.


  Your feedback, criticism, and comments will contribute to the
discussion to make this Declaration of Principles a better one.

I - Palestine is one, and its identity is Arab. The Arabs have a full
and an undisputed right to their entire homeland, of which  the land
occupied in 1948 represents about four-fifths.

II - The state of "Israel" is an illegitimate entity that arose from,
and that perpetuates the suffering,  division, and backwardness of the
Arab people. By any standards of morality or justice, the so-called
"Israel" does not have any right to exist on any fraction of Arab soil.
Neither does the passage of time make might right.

III - Arab unity remains the best and only practical solution to the
multiple crises that pervade Arab life. Arab unity is concurrently
justified on historical, political, economic, and Islamic bases.
However, the exact form, content, and method of achieving Arab unity
remain to be determined by the circumstances of the interrelated
struggles for unity and liberation, and by the Arab people.

IV- We, the Arab people, have the right to determine our destiny without
any interference from foreign powers, and have the right to defend
ourselves and our land and resources in any way, shape, or form we see

V - A political system that preserves human dignity, protects political,
personal, and religious rights, and allows for the provision of basic
needs is not merely a desirable objective, but a necessary tool to
unleash the potential of our people to achieve their liberation and
economic development. Nevertheless, such a system should be derived from
our Arab-Islamic heritage, not superimposed by Westernized and alienated
quasi-intellectuals, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United
Nations (UN), Cable News Network (CNN), the U.S. State Department, or

VI - Islam has always been an intrinsic part of our Arabic history and
culture. However, some of its backward and reactionary interpretations
have had a detrimental impact on Arab social and political progress in
modern times.  The more enlightened and revolutionary interpretations of
Islam though can and do play a leading role towards achieving our unity
and liberation from backwardness, and direct and
indirect foreign occupation.

VII - The newest version of the Zionist project in our land features
"Israel" as THE regional superpower that practices political hegemony
and economic exploitation over the Arab people, and facilitates their
cultural alienation. It is incumbent upon our people, and their
grass-roots organizations, to resist ALL forms of normalization with
"Israel", even after the official Arab regimes and some elites have
either surrendered, or betrayed the people to Zionist and Western

VIII - As a matter of principle, all attempts to impose sanctions or a
state of siege on Arab states, as is happening now with Iraq, Libya, and
Sudan, should be openly and relentlessly defied, regardless of any
possible complaints against rulers. This necessarily  involves exposing
the hypocrisy and double-standards of the UN and the U.S., and building
an international Islamic-Third world coalition to alleviate the criminal
injustices of the new world order.
Please note that references to 'backwardness' above pertain to political
and economic systems and certain social practices in the Arab world.
They don't justify racism, or imply any moral or intellectual
inferiority of the Arab individual or nation, as Zionist propaganda
would have us believe.  Fighting discrimination and stereotyping is a
different goal for Arabs overseas that we should also embrace.

Comment: All movements for social and political change have had a
long-run program containing their vision and goals.  So this DOP is not
just talk.  Your participation in its evaluation and discussion is
vital to its usefulness.

Please indicate whether you want your comments on the DOP published or
unpublished, and with or without your name.

Thank you.
The Free Arab Voice

2) Influencing Change:  The Need to Act Politically along Long-Run Goals
by Tawfic Abdul-Fattah.

Influencing change does not come easily. Yet it is indispensable for
our Arabian continuance, and existence.

Nowadays, there is a lot of confusion between what is mere talk,
slogans (she3arat), and  the crucial  need to build an ideological base,
and a formula for cooperation between activists that is substantiated by
history, culture, innate right, and future aspirations.

As history clearly shows, people who made changes to the so-called
status quo, did not do so by merely reacting to an event here, and
another there. They did not adhere to the norm (Mohammad, Jesus, and
Marx are all good examples), and they were not swayed by external

We dare to say that we could at least try, to follow in their

That statement above should not be confused however, with excuses made
by some members of our community for the purpose of justifying their

The Free Arab Voice has made clear its support for local activities,
which combat racism or discrimination, and which help the Arab community
in general.

However, this form of  localized action / reaction, though needed,
encouraged, and supported, is not close to being enough to return
Palestine, uproot the Zionist enemy from Southern Lebanon and the Golan
Heights, and certainly not enough to sway and restrain the biased
Zionist-flavored U.S policy in our Arab world.

To that end, the Free Arab Voice strives to say it, like it is.
What we are doing though is not popular. It criticizes (directly,
Or indirectly) the hypocrisy and double standards of the U.S, and the
western world, in general.

We are just pointing out what we believe to be the truth. And it is
a right (even from a humanitarian perspective) for an oppressed nation
to speak for itself, in any way, shape, or form it desires, and to step
all over the hardened or non-existent feelings of its oppressors.

We should not succumb to outside pressures, and the only way we could
achieve that, is through brutal coherence among ourselves, and with
others, who have not yielded to the currents of defeatism, or followed
the herd, with neither a plan, nor a vision.

During the 19'th century, in Europe, an Austrian Jewish journalist,
Theodore Herzel, gave Zionism its definitive ideological foundations and
organizational structure. Herzel, and despite all odds, and to the
tune of disbelief from many Jews, began envisioning a Jewish Palestine,
which would come about, in about 50 years.

Herzel died before witnessing the birth of his vision. Nevertheless,
others reaped the success of his plan, without which, they would have
remained in the X-Soviet Union, and Europe (where they belong).

Our land, Palestine, has been occupied by the Zionists for the last 50
years. And 50 years, from an individualistic point of view, might sound
like a lot. But in nations time, its hardly relevant (time-wise, that

People usually plan for their kids education, and welfare (as they
should). These plans usually span 18 or so years. They are clear, with a
unilateral objective.

If they could do that, can't they plan for liberating their own
countries, and restoring their freedom?

We know, and understand the obstacles and difficulties that are yet to
arise in our path. Also, we are equally aware of the current fast food

culture, and cereal box philosophies that are on the rise under different

However, it all depends on what you want !. Change is not a product of
one's complaint or frustration. It is the final product of a serious,
and a relentlessly coherent attempt to outline a long-term plan, debate
the plan, and once agreed, execute with great vigor, and unyielding

In view of the current stagnation of our nation, which realistically
equates going backward, given the forward motion of other nations, it
becomes detrimental, for the different ideologically-based Arab groups,
be they Nationalistic, Islamic, Christian, Marxist, or otherwise, to
seek venues of cooperation.

They should prompt collaboration, by focusing on the common
objectives, and rising above the minute and superficial differences.

It is the duty of every conscientious Arab to participate in
combating the intense attacks on our nation, lest our liberty remains a
dream, our freedom a fantasy, and our unity, a mere illusion.

This is a long, and a hard road. But it is the only one to achieve
our liberty, be worthy of our heritage and the smiles of the unborn

3) Memories of Exile

Is it true, as Joyce suggests,
that "History is a nightmare
from which I am trying
to awake"?

Our fortuitous being or not being
where we happen to be, is a frayed
thread in the fate's lapel.

If only the ethereal word blossoms
into homes and people and human warmth
of history, long forgotten by history.  And if ...

but everything is banished into two starkly
naked realities of heavy black, and white,
shading off into colourlessness.

The traumas of apprehension and urgency insinuated
themselves into my fibres and my bones.  The child I
once was, feared to look inside and feared
to see the world outside. And when Dali's rubber
clocks greyed into half a century of rubber clocks,
the man is haunted still by echoes: "Where to go?"

I nestle into speckled shadows of olive groves
of what was Palestine, and suddenly see myself
tugging at mother's blood-stained dress,
looking across the border for a place
to stay. In kaleidoscopes of hope and fear,
multiple images of despair and diaspora sprawl
into homes of ambiguity.

To live without a home is to live in exile from
exile, without childhood; for generations in the
womb, to live without a home is to become an illusion.

       M. Deeb,
         A wandering Arab
Dr. M. Deeb
University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta,


QUOTATIONS from the Original and Unamended Palestinian National
Charter, the Constitution of the PLO:

"Article 9: Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. This
it is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase. The Palestinian
Arab people assert their absolute determination and firm resolution to
continue their armed struggle and to work for an armed popular
revolution for the liberation of their country and their return to it.
They also assert their right to normal life in Palestine and to exercise
their right to self-determination and sovereignty over it."

     Courtesy of Hanzalah- the Conscience of the Palestinian People

4) Readers criticized the Free Arab Voice for running the following item
   in our September 2nd issue:

  'Action Alert: Support the international campaign of LAW, the
Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the
Environment, to  a) release all administrative detainees jailed without
trial or charge, and b) protest against the escalating demolitions of 
Palestinian homes.'

  In that same issue, we concluded by listing the email addresses of
Netanyahu, and several members of the cabinet, to send protest messages
to,  just as LAW suggested...

  As a result we got several messages 'setting us straight'.  Below are
two of them:

1 - ' I don't see the point of urging people to "beg" Netanyahoo for our
rights, especially in an issue that I assume its main audience are
Arabs. Let me put it this way, are you going to contact Netanyaho? 
Personally I will never do that.

  I believe that Free Arab Voice is a good product. But I was really
pissed-off to read that part.'

2 - 'Dear friends,
  I couldn't believe it when I read the Email address for Netanyaho at
the  end of FAV, and I went back to the top of the message to make sure
that I am reading the Free Arab Voice !!!!  WHY ?????
Please stay on the same line and direction which you started with.
Someone who cares for FAV'

Editor's response: You really didn't need to go all the way back to the
top of the message to make sure that you're reading the Free Arab
Voice!! All you had to do was go back to the item right before the
action alert under question, where you'd still find the ninth article of
the one and only Palestinian National Charter, which should have
clarified any doubts about whether this was or wasn't the one and only
Free Arab Voice!!

      We support protest campaigns however, and that is not the same as
engaging in peace talks with the Zionist enemy. Still we reemphasize
that protest alone doesn't liberate... and hope very sincerely that those
who only protest, or rely on the compassion of the oppressor, would
learn that too.

                               The Free Arab Voice
The Free Arab Voice welcomes your comments and accepts submissions
at the email addresses below and above. We can help you publicize
your events and activities (on the house) if you support Arab and
Palestinian causes.

You can also use those same email addresses if you wish us to quit
sending our messages to you.

Also email us if interested in receiving back issues of the Free Arab
Voice, such as the Special Issue on Iraq, the Special Issue on Syria,
the Issue on the Jerusalem Bombing, or the Declaration of Principles

Fadia Issam Rafeedie and Tawfic Abdul-Fattah contributed to this issue
of FAV




FAV Editor: Ibrahim Alloush
Co-editors: Nabila Harb
  Muhammad Abu Nasr
FAV Home Page - > Please click on the logo above, and we'll FAV you there :)