Your Voice in a World where Zionism, Steel, and Fire, have Turned Justice Mute



News Bytes - FAVIAN style


Jordan Report
(in Arabic: تقرير الأردن/ اعتقال شادي مدانات)


Message from FAV editor Ibrahim Alloush on his release from jail

FAV Editor Ibrahim Alloush Arrested
Demand his Immediate Release!


8-year old child kidnapped in Tulkarm

Jordanian Grass-Roots Petition:
Add Your Signature


Amman: A Sit-in at the Union of Professional Associations
to Demand the Release of Anti-Normalization Activists


FAV Editor reports from Iraq:
A Visit to a WMD Site in Baghdad


A Special Report on the Protest against Netayahu's Visit to Concordia
University in Canada, by Chadi Serhal


On Joint American-Jordanian Exercises
(in Arabic: تصريح المهندس ليث شبيلات حول المناورات العسكرية الأمريكية-الأردنية المشتركة)


Beirut: Fadlallah bans muslims from collaborating with Americans against Iraq
(in Arabic: فضل الله: مساعدة امريكا في حربها على العراق حرام)


Jordan: A Protest from the Union of Professional Associations
(In Arabic: بيان صحفي صادر عن النقابات المهنية الأردنية)


Jordan: Arrests at the Union of Professional Associations


American refuses to pay fine imposed for taking medicine to Iraq


Protest Zionist Participation in Morocco's Socialist Conference
(In Arabic:
المطلوب إرسال استنكارات ومطالبات لإلغاء مؤتمر الأممية الاشتراكية بالمغرب


McDonald's lying
(In Arabic:
ماكدونالدز تكذب )


What Happened to the April 12, 2002, March on the Zionist Embassy in Amman?
(In Arabic:
ما حدث لمسيرة 12 إبريل , 2002 , المتجهة نحو السّفارة الصّهيونيّة في عمّان؟)


Hisham Bustani and Shadi Mdanat Arrested


Amman: Two Notes on the Margin of a Street Battle


A Call to Release Toujan Faisal from Arab-American Organizations


News from Jordan


Land Day sit-in at AZAR


Jordan: Suppression, arrests continue


A demonstration, a Forum and the Arrest of Tujan Faisal


Audre Pinque and the Right Direction to Palestine


Jordanian Students Boiling, Activists Released


HELP! Arrests in Jordan


Iraq Water Project Team III: American veterans go to Iraq to help rebuild water-treatment plants


American Calls for evicting Palestinians


A letter from an American prison


Statement on the Arrest of Ahmad Sadat & the Future of the Intifada
(In Arabic: بيان حول اعتقال الأمين العام للجبهة الشعبية أحمد السعدات وحول مستقبل الانتفاضة الفلسطينية،)


CPJ: Letter to King Abdallah of Jordan on the Arrest of Fahd al-Rimawi


A Counter-Finkelstein "Holocaust" Lecture


Thousands Join the Right of Return Celebration in Amman, Jordan (pictures added)


Join the Right of Return Celebration in Amman (Dec. 6, 2001) : an invitation


Laith Shubeilatt on Ghassan Dahduli's Case : an Open Letter


What is the FBI Doing in Jordan? (in Arabic: ماذا تفعل المحابرات الامريكية في الاردن ؟)


CPJ Open Letter to King Abdullah of Jordan


Jordanian Regime to Clamp Down Further on Democratic Liberties


A Large Palestinian Gathering in Damascus Sets the Record Straight: No to Ceasefire Agreements, Yes to the Continuation of the Intifada


AZAR's Website is Back Online/ On the New Law Banning Public Assembly in Jordan


JWA: On the Matter of Translation into Hebrew


Pro-Intifada Demonstration Crushed in Downtown Amman
(In Arabic:
قمع مظاهرة مؤيدة للانتفاضة في وسط العاصمة عمان)


The Azmi Bshara Phenomenon


Response to Rabbi Cooper's New Attack on Arab Intellectuals, Syria, and Iran


Another resounding victory: Al Jazeerah program on historical review


Short Report on Amman Forum on Revisionist Historians on May 13, 2001


Jordan: The Story of the Forum that WILL Happen


New Date for Forum in Amman on Revisionism/ Zionist Invitation to JWA


Jordan: Revisionist Historians Panel Postponed by Government Decree


Haartz on Jordanian Writers Forum in Amman


A Jordanian Airliner Breaks the Arab Siege on Iraq


An Honorable American Protests Sanctions on Iraq


On Haartz's Response to the Free Arab Voice

Palestinians Stone Azmi Bshara at Baqaa Refugee Camp in Jordan


Committee In Support Of Political Prisoners In Jordan





FAV Editor: Ibrahim Alloush
Co-editors: Nabila Harb
  Muhammad Abu Nasr
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